As the COVID-19 crisis evolves globally, the health and safety of our employees, clients and suppliers remain a top priority for ReliX Water.

At ReliX Water, we continue to serve our clients while adopting strict precautions, applying internal health and safety policies at all of our sites, and complying with all authority requirements.



As the COVID-19 crisis evolves globally, the health and safety of our employees, clients and suppliers remain a top priority for ReliX Water.

At ReliX Water, we continue to serve our clients while adopting strict precautions, applying internal health and safety policies at all of our sites, and complying with all authority requirements.

Keeping Our Clients Running

Alongside our great efforts to maintain COVID-19 precautions, all our offices, warehouses and our manufacturing facility continue to fully serve our clients.

It is vital, now more than ever, to be able to provide essential water services. ReliX Water is committed to maintaining operations and supporting our clients in all sectors.

Our teams are available for any need.

Maintaining a Safe and Operational Working Environment

We have applied strict policies at all of our sites, and we are closely monitoring the situation to keep a safe working environment and continuously support our clients. Precautions we are taking include:

  • We maintain social distancing on all company sites.
  • We’ve grouped workers together into cohorts to ensure that teams are isolated from each other, in order to minimize potential virus spread.
  • Our dining room has been configured to enable social distancing. In addition, lunchtime is taken in shifts, and each cohort is separated from the other.
  • A distancing policy between clients and suppliers has been applied, and no non-essential visits take place in our offices or facilities.
  • Temperature checks are conducted upon arrival at company sites.
  • There is mandatory use of masks at our offices onsite, and in meetings with staff, clients and supplies, whether they take place onsite or offsite.  
  • We’ve implemented a policy for frequent handwashing during the workday, and all our sites are equipped with hand sanitizers.
  • We maintain deep cleaning and sanitizing efforts in all of our facilities. A professional cleaning company has been hired for these efforts.
  • A disinfection tunnel was installed at the entrance to our headquarters.
  • All vehicles entering our headquarters site go through a wheel washing and disinfection process.
  • We’re applying a work-from-home policy based on the developing status of COVID-19 in each territory.
    All necessary resources and tools were granted to ensure remote work.  
  • ReliX Water is designated as an essential business. The ReliX team is thus able to provide services to clients in all territories.
    Necessary and key personnel continue to work onsite.
  • We aim to keep our employees safe of exposure to possible contagions on public transportation. To this end, ReliX provides private transportation for its employees.
  • We’ve appointed a COVID-19 Safety Officer from our senior management. The Safety Officer is in charge of monitoring and managing the situation and proactively responding to any developments.
  • An exposure-response plan has been applied, and our team is clear on what steps to take in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19. In such a case, we have developed effective procedures that will allow us to continue our operations.

Supporting Our Communities

At ReliX Water, we’re making tremendous efforts to support the communities we live in, especially during these unprecedented times.

ReliX has launched a Community Support Program in response to the COVID-19 health crisis.

As part of the program, more than 500 support packages of food and toiletries are being distributed to families in need. In total, the program supports over 2000 beneficiaries, including the elderly, unemployed, chronically diseased, disabled and former ReliX employees.

Distribution is carried out with strict precautions to maintain health and safety.